Monday, November 23, 2009

Mike Lake's Choreography

Here is what Mike wrote up for the sound people. I think it's exactly what we were looking for. If we can get your scripts (whether or not they are in this format) asap that would be great because we need to record everything by friday.


-Begins with Person #1 lying in bed underneath a sheet. Person #2 – 6 are scattered around the room.
-#2 makes her way to the bed, choosing a corner. #3 makes her way to the bed, choosing another corner. #5 and #6 do the same. #4 remains watching from a distance.
-#2,3,5,6 each take a corner of the bed sheet, pulling it taut over P1. They hold it in place.
-#4 joins at the head of the bed (N.B. In order for #1 to sense #4 approaching, perhaps her audio is silent at this point, or audio that draws attention to this approaching doctor figure)
-[#4 takes a mirror from under the bed and holds it in front of face of #1 while the others keep the sheet taut]
-#6 restrains #1’s head.
-#2,3,5,6 discard the top sheet and take a corner from the sheet underneath #1. They gather it with the person across from them, enveloping #1.
-#4 releases #1’s head and begins to circle the bed slowly, running her hands along the outside of the enveloping sheet.
-#2 drops her corner of the sheet and begins circling the bed, following #4. #3 drops her corner and follows suit. #5 and #6 drop the sheet and circle. #2,3,5,6 are now marching audibly around the bed.
-#2,3,5,6 form a line parallel to the head of the bed. #1 has the strain to see them. The line snakes to the foot of the bed, lead by #4.
-#2,3,5,6 disperse, leaving #4 alone with #1.
-#4 circles the bed one last time, slow and deliberate. He leaves.

Script for #1 (Patient in bed)

-There are no explicit instructions for this character, as they are in bed for the duration of the scene. Music and sound effects, then, could highlight the mood of the action taking place around the bed (i.e. being restrained, enveloped in a sheet, being inspected/being on display). The main focus for the patient, though, should be the tension between him/her and the doctor. Whenever the doctor walks, or circles the bed, the patient’s audio could be the sound of approaching footsteps, or something that makes him/her hyperaware of the doctor’s presence.

Script for # 4 (Doctor)

-Voice: “Put on your lab coat.”

-Intro (15 – 20 seconds of “mood music”)

-Voice: “See your patient in bed? See them? See your patient in bed? See them?”

-[“filler” – something synched with the audio of #1 in bed to create tension between them. This continues until all four people have arrived at the bed and have pulled the sheet taut over the patient. Estimated 45 seconds.]

-Voice: “See your patient in the bed? See them? Walking very slowly, make your way to the head of the bed. When you get there, you must restrain the patient’s head.”

-[sound of slow footsteps]

-[“filler” until the others have gathered the sheet underneath the patient and have enveloped him/her in it.]

-Voice: “Slowly circle the bed. Never lose sight of your patient. Circle the bed.” (this circling should be long enough to build tension. Perhaps 15 seconds or so) “Once you’ve circled twice, gesture to the others to form a line at the head of the bed. (pause to give time for the line to form.) Inspect your patient. Go to the foot of their bed. Again, gesture to the others to form a line at the foot of the bed. (pause to give time for the line to form.) Inspect your patient.”

-Voice: (after the others have dispersed) “Walk very slowly around the bed, inspecting your patient. When you think they can be safely left alone, you may take off your jacket and leave.”

Script for #2 and #3 (Nurse/Caretaker)

- Intro (15 – 20 seconds of “mood music”)

-Voice: “See your patient in bed? See them? Go to them. Stand at an empty corner of their bed.”

- [“filler” while waiting for remaining people to arrive at the bed, estimated 30 seconds in total]

-Voice: (synchronized with the other caretakers) “Grab a hold of a sheet corner and pull it taut over your patient.”

-[“filler” while the doctor makes his/her way to the bed. Perhaps something thematic, along the lines of restraint/doctors&patients/hospital sounds, etc..]

-Voice: “Release the top sheet. Undo the fitted sheet underneath it. Take a corner, lift it high, and gather it with the person across from you, as if you are folding the sheet in half.”

-Voice: (after the doctor has begun to circle the bed) “Follow the doctor.”

-[“filler” from when they circle the bed until they’ve formed the second line. This final instruction should come after the doctor is told to “inspect the patient”]

-Voice: “The doctor would like to be alone with the patient now. Please leave.”

Script for #5 (Nurse/Caretaker)

-Intro (15 – 20 seconds of “mood music”)

-Voice: “See your patient in bed? See them? See your patient in bed? See them?” (This is repeated until #2 and #3 have arrived at the bed.)

-Voice: “Go to them. Stand at an empty corner of their bed.”

-[“filler” while the others make their way to the bed]

-Voice: (synchronized with the other caretakers) “Grab a hold of a sheet corner and pull it taut over your patient.”

-[“filler” while the doctor makes his/her way to the bed. Perhaps something thematic, along the lines of restraint/doctors&patients/hospital sounds, etc..]

-Voice: “Release the top sheet. Undo the fitted sheet underneath it. Take a corner, lift it high, and gather it with the person across from you, as if you are folding the sheet in half.”

-Voice: (after the doctor and #2 and #3 have begun to circle the bed) “Follow the doctor.”

-[“filler” from when they circle the bed until they’ve formed the second line. This final instruction should come after the doctor is told to “inspect the patient”]

-Voice: “The doctor would like to be alone with the patient now. Please leave.”

Script for # 6 (Nurse/Caretaker)

- Intro (15 – 20 seconds of “mood music”)

-Voice: “See your patient in bed? See them? See your patient in bed? See them?” (This is repeated until #2, #3, and #5 have arrived at the bed.)

-Voice: “Go to them. Stand at an empty corner of their bed.”

-Voice: (synchronized with the other caretakers) “Grab a hold of a sheet corner and pull it taut over your patient.”

-[“filler” while the doctor makes his/her way to the bed. Perhaps something thematic, along the lines of restraint/doctors&patients/hospital sounds, etc..]

-Voice: “Release the top sheet. Discard it. Throw it aside. Undo the fitted sheet underneath it. Take a corner, lift it high, and gather it with the person across from you, as if you are folding the sheet in half.”

-Voice: (after the doctor, #2, #3, and #5 have begun to circle the bed) “Follow the doctor.”

-[“filler” from when they circle the bed until they’ve formed the second line. This final instruction should come after the doctor is told to “inspect the patient”]

-Voice: “The doctor would like to be alone with the patient now. Please leave.”

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