Monday, November 2, 2009

Watching Sleep

Here's some visual stimulation courtesy of the band Blur:

They were filmed with night-vision cameras while they slept (genuinely slept) in their beds. They seemed quite worried about letting themselves be seen or be filmed asleep. As one of them said: "It's beyond private...beyond don't even know yourself how you sleep."

I couldn't help but be reminded of Andy Warhol's film Sleep. So, here's a few words from him: "I could never finally figure out if more things happened in the sixties because there was more awake time for them to happen in (since so many people were on amphetamine), or if people started taking amphetamine because there were so many things to do that they needed to have more awake time to do them in... Seeing everybody so up all the time made me think that sleep was becoming pretty obsolete, so I decided I'd better quickly do a movie of a person sleeping."

Sleep well,

- Tamara

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