Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More Vignettes

To add a little to what Ian explained: The vignettes we have prepared come from the "dream" portion, which will take up the majority of the fifteen minutes. Before and after this section will be a hum-drum "reality" scene, that repeats almost exactly. We discussed the idea of possibly having one variation in the second-coming of this scene at the end. Perhaps, a prop from the dream world is in the "reality" scene the second time it occurs.
Here are other vignettes from our group:
"Dinner" Whitney
(the image goes with this one)
Scene one:
first couple arrives at dinner party, begin to walk over from front left corner
#1 is in bed; #4 is in centre of stage; #5/#6 are downstage left; #2 is upstage left; #3 is downstage right
Scene two:
greet the couple with formal manners; kiss each on the hand
#5/#6 joins centre stage
Scene three:
seat the couple by the bed
#1 brings #5/#6 over to stage right
Scene four:
greet next guest with kiss on each cheek
#2 joins #4 centre stage
Scene five:
bring other guest rather rudely
#4 gets #3 from downstage
Scene six:
everyone is seated for dinner/around bed
#2-6 all get cutlery from underbed/mattress; begin to “eat”
Scene seven:
one chokes, rest of guests ignore, look at him/her as if rude interruption
#3 stands up, puts hands to throat, steps backward, drops to knees, lies down, eyes shut
Scenes eight, nine, and ten:
couple removes the eyesore from the table in utilitarian fashion
#5/#6 drag #3 from downstage right to left
while, #4 stands up and takes off belt, laying it across the belt, then sits back down
also, #2 begins to eat with less manners, no cutlery, no one takes notice
Scene eleven:
#5/#6 return to spots around bed/table; return to meal; E still no manners
#3 stays passed out
Scene twelve:
#2 gets in bed with #1, under covers, give allusion of sexual play
other guests take no notice, continue eating politely
while, #3 begins to stir
Scenes thirteen and fourteen:
#3 hijacks the dinner party
#3 moves diagonally across stage from downstage left to upstage right toward bed
holding hands as if in gun pointed at others; #1,#2,#4,#5,#6 put their hands on their heads
(possibly #1&#2 a little delayed because distracted)
Scene fifteen:
#3 directs the others to form a line
#2 gets out of bed, follows #4, #5/#6 crawl across bed to follow others into line
Scenes sixteen to eighteen:
#3 joins end of line and directs it downstage
shoots all except #1, then commits suicide, #1 watching in horror

"Restraint" Mike
-Begins with Person #1 lying in bed underneath a sheet. Person #2 – 6 are perhaps scattered around the room (depending on how the previous episode ends).
-#2 makes her way to the bed, choosing a corner. #3 makes her way to the bed, choosing another corner. #5 and #6 do the same. #4 remains watching from a distance.
-#2,3,5,6 each take a corner of the bed sheet, pulling it taut over P1. They hold it in place.
-#4 joins at the head of the bed (N.B. In order for #1 to sense #4 approaching, perhaps her audio is silent at this point, or audio that draws attention to this approaching doctor figure)
-[#4 takes a mirror from under the bed and holds it in front of face of #1 while the others keep the sheet taut]
-#6 restrains #1’s head.
-#2,3,5,6 discard the top sheet and take a corner from the sheet underneath #1. They gather it with the person across from them, enveloping #1.
-#4 releases #1’s head and begins to circle the bed slowly, running her hands along the outside of the enveloping sheet.
-#2 drops her corner of the sheet and begins circling the bed, following #4. #3 drops her corner and follows suit. #5 and #6 drop the sheet and circle. #2,3,5,6 are now marching audibly around the bed.
-#2,3,5,6 form a line parallel to the head of the bed. #1 has the strain to see them. The line snakes to the foot of the bed, lead by #4.
-#2,3,5,6 disperse, leaving #4 alone with #1.
-#4 circles the bed one last time, slow and deliberate. He leaves.

"Invading Privacy" Kyle
#1 is bed ridden
Persons 2-6 comprise the others
Persons 5 & 6 comprise the twins

#1 sits on knees bed center. The others are all wearing shoes. They step onto bed simultaneously (#2, #3, and #4 from R and the #5 and #6 from L) and cage round A in a pentagon formation while standing on the bed. Their arms and hands are extended towards the ceiling. They are kneading the bed with their feet. They stop kneading. They place their hands onto each other's shoulders to form a ring. They hold this position. The sound of a water droplet falling into a deep basin plays over and over through A's ipod. Twins will answer a set of questions. Persons #5 and #6 will have a conversation. 4 will make siren, then animal, then siren, then animal, then beeping, then operatic sounds. They are all speaking at once. The others stop. They all work their way down onto their knees with their arms still interconnected in a ring while #1 simultaneously rises. #1 is standing on the Bed, the others are kneeling. The others release their arms. They all look upwards at #1 in unison. #1 is instructed to look about himself/herself, to feel the air, to explore the space with his/her fingertips and arms.

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