Sunday, November 15, 2009

Suggestions and Reminders

Hey, Bedheads. I thought I’d write a few reminders as you guys start finalizing the project.

As mentioned in our last session, there is a wealth of ideas choreography-wise. Remember, you have 15 minutes. If you choose to have two 15-minute sections, incorporating the audience idea, then you can include more choreography. Be ruthless and cut what is not needed. Remember, a simple concept well-executed is worth more than a complex idea done in a lame way. No one can see inside your head, they can only see what you present. So logistics matter as much as, maybe even more than, your concept. Sometimes logistics can dictate your concept, which may be a good thing. So stay open and flexible but be rigorous in your execution. Ditch what you cannot do.

Remember that simple actions can create interesting images. When we did our improvisations in the first session, simple actions began to tell complex stories because there was also space for the viewer to project his/her own interpretation onto the piece.

The goal of the next session is to have a rough cut of the 15-minute installation or installations, if you use the audience idea. This means, instructions must be recorded and mixed with the music/sound etc. If it’s not the final music or sound you want to use or not great quality, it doesn’t matter. It's a dry run to check out what can be put into the 15 minutes and if the instructions are clear, etc. The goal is to give the mp3 players to people in the class (ie. not in the choreography group) and see if they can follow the directions. Slap it together because you need to have something concrete to refine for December 4th.

It would be great to test this out in an open space. I am sure we cannot use the theatre. If you guys think of anywhere that we can go just to test it out, that would be great. Are there any rehearsal rooms or anything? I will ask Alanna and see if she has any ideas.

Talk soon!

- Stacey

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