Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Twin Sonnets of the Bed

Hey guys, here's the sonnets that I wrote with regards to the bed theme. They aren't anything original, per se, but I believe it provides new light on the themes we already discussed. Enjoy!

Twin Sonnets of the Bed
By: Ian Gerald King

Oh darling Sleep in the veil of night
Oh how you encroach upon our souls!
In the midst of darkness and starry sight
Around us your presence is felt whole.
And yet, what would your presence be,
If not eased upon us by the soothing bed?
Its tranquil repose is but the sweet candy
That so prepares your assault on the head.
So then, Sleep, nothing but a slave you are,
A mere serf to the manor of the bed;
Without its fields your harvest would be marred
By the fearful darkness to which you are wed.
If Sleep should be an army then a bed would be
Its palace of enchantment and reverie.

More than just a simple instrument of rest,
The bed is a fount of human passion and glee,
Upon which fornication is at its best,
And so preserved is the fate of humanity.
The mother gives birth from its horizontal plane
And the old man dies in that position so;
From birth to bereavement as health waxes and wanes
The bed is the abode to which our souls ever go.
A feminine character it does possess
That entrances the waters of the human mind,
To plunge ever further beneath consciousness
And into the realm of the Aetheric kind.
A unifying medium that transcends cultures abound
The bed is a gate into Eternity profound

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